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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Yvette, an Inspiration

I have been chatting with one of my best friends Yvette, who is currently working as a UN volunteer in Sudan. She was my first housemate when I first moved out, and we had some very good times living in the poorly ventilated, rat-infested "chalet" in Quezon City. We spent many nights talking till the wee hours of the morning, staying up till we could no longer wipe the sleep from our eyes. (She actually fell asleep once in the middle of telling her OWN story.)

Yvette has been a source of inspiration for me. She recently went through VERY trying times, been through hell and back, yet she has picked herself up. Not unscathed exactly; burned, definitely; but infinitely stronger and more self-aware. She has finally realized what a fabulous woman she is, and that she deserves to be surrounded only by people who know this as well.

I've been thinking that whatever troubles I may have, Yvette will always be there to support me, to unconditionally take my side, to give solid advice. She also serves as a constant reminder that I can handle whatever life throws at me- the sticks and stones, the heartbreak, the sadness, as well as the blessings. And she inspires to me to handle both the good and the bad with grace, humor, music, and, of course, lots of food.


  1. Speaking as a fellow UN Volunteer, I am happy to know that Yvette is doing her part in far-off Sudan to try to make this world a better place. I have been a UN Volunteer for close to three years and I'm proud of this institution that allows people like myself to be a part of the great work that the UN tries to accomplish in today's world. I know that the UN system is not perfect, and many of the criticisms against it are quite valid, but I still believe that it remains a force of good that deserves to be supported and strengthened.

  2. yvette has also told me that the UN does have its weaknesses, but i guess there's still merit in it because she's still working there :)

  3. Gidge, read or watch The Secret :)

  4. I checked out the website of The Secret, Daph, I'll try to get a hold of the book.
