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Thursday, March 8, 2007


I'm taking a breather from my personal affairs to talk about another person's more interesting life. Tomorrow night, there will be a farewell party for one of the J-School's students, a photojournalism major named Leah Gallo. She's leaving us in the middle of the semester for London because she's been asked by Tim Burton (director of Batman, Edward Scissorhands, Big Fish, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, etc, etc...) to shoot photos on the set of Sweeney Todd. Apparently, Mr. Burton has this tradition of having photos taken to document the filming process, and then compiling them into a book which he then gives as a gift to members of his crew. Leah is the lucky one chosen to shoot the photos for this book.

This is great news for Leah, who's both talented and beautiful. Felicity and I are jealous not just because this is such a wonderful career opportunity for her, but mostly because Sweeney Todd is played by Johnny Depp, whom we both believe to be one of the hottest men (if not THE hottest man) on planet Earth. I mean, it's one thing to be working on the set of a movie starring, let's say... Jack Nicholson; it's totally unbelievable that she'll be seeing Johnny Depp every day for a couple of months!

Haha, so this entry is a good indicator that I'm in much better spirits. If I can be shallow enough to rave about a Hollywood actor (although Johnny Depp is not just any old actor), then you can bet I'm nowhere near being depressed, nor am I in danger of becoming an alcoholic. (Though Fil and I might have a drink or two to drown our envy during the party.)

I'll be fine.


  1. Wooohooo! I love this post of yours. This is the best post I've seen from you in a couple of weeks. :) And you're absolutely right... Johnny Depp is hot. Funny how these semi-dorks in the 80s turned out to be so in demand in the new millenium (Patrick Dempsey, anyone?).

    Congratulations on the breakthrough. :) I'll be praying that this continues.

  2. the shooting was put on hold daw because Johnny Depp's daughter is sick? is your pal Leah still in London?
