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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Blows to the ego

Yesterday, I had Blow to the Ego Incident #1. (For the week, at least.)

I'd been slacking off in terms of exercise for the past two weeks, so I went to the gym to join a couple of evening classes to make up for it. It was the first time for me to see and meet the instructor teaching the first class. He was cute, so I decided to chat him up after the workout was done. 

I am not really the queen of small talk, so I tried to think of a topic I could bring up with him. Thankfully, I knew that I once took a P.E. theory class which his father taught at my university. So, I came up to him and said, "Hey, I know your dad. He was my teacher some time ago." To which he responded, "Really? Where? In weightlifting?"

I guess I didn't look very girly to him.

Today, I had Blow to the Ego Incident #2.

Again, the scene was at the gym, this time, the wall climbing gym I regularly go to. I saw a guy whom I hadn't seen in around ten years. He's one of the old-timer mountaineers who pioneered rock climbing in the country, and I met him when I was just starting to climb at the old climbing gym. I wasn't sure that he'd remember me, so I came up to him to say hi. 

"Hey, do you remember me?" I said. He said, "Yes! I wasn't sure it was you though. You got big. You weren't macho before." I tried to show that I was not very happy with what he said, and at the same time I gave him the chance to modify/retract his rather tactless statement. "I'm not really sure how I should take that," I said, hoping he would realize his lack of sensitivity and somehow take back what he said. Well, he did modify it. Kind of. "Well, you really bulked up."

Oh well.