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Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year!

Since it's the first day of the new year, I feel compelled to write an entry to start 2007 right. Right now though, I have no profound thoughts to share, no funny anecdotes to tell. Just a couple of things.

First, I've decided that I should do as Bridget Jones did (which Felicity reminded me about when I talked to her about resolutions), and put my New Year's resolutions into effect on January 2. After all, it really is unreasonable and plain unrealistic to go on a diet and live a clean life immediately after New Year's Eve, when you are still reeling from your excesses.

The other thing is, I've been thinking of a short mantra to keep in mind (like Caye did) as I head onto the year. You know, the kind that makes you feel that there's SOMEthing you at least try to live by. One I thought of is a line from Little Miss Sunshine, which my family and I just finished watching a few minutes ago. It comes from the conversation between Frank and Dwayne, my two favorite characters in the movie. The 15-year-old Nietzsche fan said, "Do what you love, and f**k the rest". Amen.

1 comment:

  1. AGREE!!! Do what you love...there is no other way to live:-)
