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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Consummatum est!

No, no, I have not developed a Messianic complex. I am just joyfully saying "it is finished!" and by "it" I mean my 70-page paper that I needed to submit so I can graduate. All I need to do now is defend it before my committee next week. (Now that's a whole new stresspoint.) They have to approve it before I become a "Master" (of what exactly, I'm not quite sure).

That's all I can write for now, my brain is practically dead as I have been cramming all last night and all day today. (Old habits don't die hard for me. They just cling on for dear life.) It was not the best work that I've ever done, but at least it's DONE.


  1. YAY for you. Congrats! Don;t even stress about the defense. It is very relaxed.

  2. Congratulations! I knew you could do it! Yes, don't worry about the defense. They just want to make sure that it's your work and not someone else's copied from the Internet. Should be a breeze, what with your newscast-perfect delivery.

  3. P.S. I also submitted papers like that from my LL.M., which I knew was not my best work, and for which I sorta felt ashamed. But, you know, seven years later, I don't even remember what the paper was about. It doesn't really matter, in the grand scheme of things. As long as you get the Masters degree, you'll be fine.


  4. Congrats! I guess this means you can take a short breather before you make your defense. Cheers!
