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Monday, September 4, 2006

The Dirty Restaurant

Here's a story I forgot to post while on my summer break.

One of my favorite restaurants in Southern California is a Thai restaurant which we fondly refer to as "The Dirty Restaurant". Aidan was the one who baptized the place as such. Since they say children never lie, and most kids also have lower standards of hygiene, you can imagine that it is not the kind of place that the private investigator also known as "The Monk" could abide.

Whenever we eat there, we have to wipe the glass table top with a napkin, which always comes up black with grime and dust. This does not diminish our appetites at all. In fact, we always end up eating more than our stomachs were naturally born to bear. But... I am not here to talk about the food. (If you want to know more about that though, you can check out my food blog.)

One other attraction this restaurant holds for us (that could also be called dirty, in a sense...) is a rather indecent pen holder that the owner/manager of the place uses. As this picture shows, it is a woman lying on her back, and you insert the pen in her (you guessed it!)... crotch. Classy! We've noticed this pen holder for quite some time, and I decided to take a picture of it during my last visit.

There were no other people when we went there for lunch, so that was perfect. I didn't want to be obvious about my mission, because I didn't want the restaurant staff to be offended that I was taking a picture of their prized possession for fun. (I also didn't want them to think I wanted to order a similar pen holder through the Internet with the help of a photo). So I waited for our waitress to go to the kitchen and tell them about the food we ordered, before sneaking to the counter where the pen holder lay. I turned off the flash of my camera, because the light might call their attention to what I was doing.

I managed to take a couple of pictures, but then I realized that there was no pen in the holder. My daring increased as I successfully took more pictures without being spotted. Since I wanted my pictures to communicate exactly what this woman was for, I wanted to take a picture of the holder with a pen in it. So I scrounged around the counter for a pen which would do the trick. "Another lucky break!", I thought, as I found one. So I stuck the pen in the... ummm... holder, to make the photo op perfect.

And that's when my mission went awry. The pen wouldn't go all the way in, and kept falling off. Well, that just wouldn't do for my picture. So, I pushed the pen in harder. This time, the pen DID stay in place. However, this also resulted in the woman moving her head in rapture, and saying (quite loudly for a pen holder) "Ohhhhh.... Feels so good! Do it again!" Apparently, the woman says (moans?) different things when pushed to bear a pen.

Since there were no other people in the restaurant, the woman's pronouncements were heard loud and clear, all the way to the kitchen. The owner (looking just a little peeved) soon enough came out to the counter and took away the pen holder. He probably didn't like us playing with his little toy. We may never get a glimpse of the amazing orgasmic pen holder again. It's a good thing then that I was able to photograph it for posterity.


  1. Ohhhh, that was so funny! Felt so good! Do it again :-)

    If you find a male version by any chance (with the orifice you know where), get it for me!

  2. Of course I'll keep you in mind when I come across something like that!
