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Sunday, June 25, 2006

Happy 4th Birthday, Aidan!

Aidan celebrated his 4th birthday on June 24, and since this fell on a Saturday, he had his party in school the day before. This was Aidan's first real party with his friends, so Liz wanted to make sure he was happy. That means the menu had to include his non-negotiable requests, which were a cake bearing the logo of the movie "Cars", pizza, and lots of candy in a pinata. Liz and I spent the whole morning running around buying things for the festivities, and it was more hectic than we anticipated. Murphy's law was in effect the whole day, and we had to deal with missing membership cards, almost-lost pastries, and the like. Liz and I survived mostly on nervous/hysterical laughter, as we anticipated arriving at Aidan's school when all his guests had already left.

Despite the little foul-ups, we managed to get to his school in time to start the party; pizza, cake, and pinata in hand. One thing that amazed me about the party was how well-behaved the children were while they ate. I've attended quite a few children's parties at home, and they are invariably marked by hyperactive, overstimulated children running amuck on all the sugar they consumed, yayas in hot pursuit. In contrast, the ten or so kids in Aidan's class raised their hands to ask for food, and ate quietly in their seats.

But kids will be kids, and everyone was ready to go wild over the candy that the Ninja Turtle pinata was ejecting from its back as it was being hit. The pinatas here, unlike the "palayoks" back home, took quite a while to crack open. All the kids had their turn at whacking at the pinata (you just had to feel sorry for Ninja Turtle after the beating he took), but it still took some help from the adults for it to finally cough up its last piece of candy. The whole party, from setting up, eating, and pinata-bashing, took all of one hour, exactly. That was another amazing thing. That was probably the shortest-running party I'd ever seen.

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