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Sunday, October 23, 2005

On Whippets and Children

A lot of people have sung praises of motherhood. Though I've never been a mother, I can understand some of the hype about children. The irresistible baby smell, the adorable way toddlers talk, the sheer cuteness of little people... the list goes on and on. However, there are others who just don't buy into the motherhood bit for reasons including (but not limited to) the pain of giving birth, the incessant diaper-changing, and the smart-aleck attitude of adolescents and teens.

For these types, I recommend having whippets, a breed of dog that belongs to the hound family. Here are ten reasons why they are a good option for people who are not into having children. (Most of these qualities are common to all dogs, though.)

1. You can choose exactly which dog you want to have. Then if they have ugly puppies in the future, you can just give them away.
2. When they misbehave, you can put them in a cage or on a leash without fear of being arrested.
3. It is easy to make them come to you when you call.
4. They never talk back.
5. They are always loving and sweet.
6. They don't eat much.
7. They will never smoke, drink alcohol, or do drugs.
8. Putting them through school is completely optional.
9. You need to bathe them only once a month, and they won't even smell that much if you do bathe them less often.
10. You can have new puppies even when your biological clock has ticked its last.

Just like everything else, having whippets has its downside. There's the shedding and the barking, and relieving themselves in unexpected places (though babies do this too). But the benefits of having them far outweigh the costs. Because whippets (and most dogs) are so lovable though, the biggest disadvantage to having them is actually their doggie life span. In all probability you will outlive them, so you have to be prepared to cope eventually with the grief of their loss.


  1. You forgot to mention that whippets will never accuse you of being a horrible mother and they won't blame you for everything that goes wrong in their life.

  2. Whippets, Gidge? But don't they look much too much like someone we know but would rather not know? :) And why would you want that?!?
